all postcodes in WV14 / BILSTON

find any address or company within the WV14 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV14 6AA 6 52.567365 -2.075435
WV14 6AD 1 52.567822 -2.077457
WV14 6AE 1 52.567473 -2.074948
WV14 6AF 4 52.567166 -2.077308
WV14 6AG 3 52.56763 -2.077879
WV14 6AH 5 52.568115 -2.078824
WV14 6AJ 0 52.56855 -2.077694
WV14 6AL 1 52.568972 -2.078093
WV14 6AN 1 52.568882 -2.078137
WV14 6AP 1 52.568331 -2.077939
WV14 6AQ 2 52.568601 -2.081265
WV14 6AR 0 52.568369 -2.079626
WV14 6AS 0 52.569259 -2.078743
WV14 6AT 0 52.570185 -2.078877
WV14 6AU 1 52.569867 -2.080096
WV14 6AW 0 52.568415 -2.078476
WV14 6AX 0 52.568746 -2.079966
WV14 6AY 1 52.569086 -2.08311
WV14 6AZ 2 52.568723 -2.083339
WV14 6BA 0 52.569382 -2.082859